CameraWorks has the secret for the perfect wedding movie !

Pieter and Valerie - Trailer

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A beautiful wedding movie brings back the experience and emotions that you felt on that very special day.

As a fulltime professional camera crew we will therefore work with the utmost care and expertise to keep your most beautiful memory. 
And we are doing thit for many years with equal pleasure and dedication.
In order to achieve the best picture and sound quality, all recordings are made with
professional Ultra High Definition (5K) movie cameras

These cameras form the basis for sharp images and sparkling colors.
The latest generation (wireless) microphones ensure the capture of crystal clear sound.  We constantly investing in the latest cameras, software and techniques to realize the most beautiful memories for you.
Ook During the edit we will work with the utmost care.

Unlike other videographs, we also add professional color correction to make the movie even better.

You notice it, CameraWorks stand for quality, not only technical but also in terms of content.

CameraWorks can provide a professional voice-over by the actor Peter Van Asbroeck.